2022 Christmas Greeting
2022 Christmas Greeting
Thank God! Thank God that he has heard the cries of his people and come down to deliver them (Ex. 3:8). Moses heard the voice of God speaking from the burning bush. Adam and Eve heard God’s passage through the Garden and in their shame they were afraid. Abraham hosted the three men; they were the Lord as the Trinity, who had come down to visit him (Ge. 18:1). The prophets… the kings… God’s people all received their God who had come down to them in visions and dreams, angels and theophanies, or as a voice from the cloud. Thank God we do not have a silent, aloof God such as Baal who seemed asleep on his throne when his priests needed him sorely (1 Ki. 18:17-29).
Thank God, that he has heard the cries of his people and come down. He has come down… not as the sound of rustling leaves… not as a voice speaking from flames or out of a cloud… not in visions or dreams… not by angels or theophanies. Not in the various ways of old, for God’s word has promised this, “Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son…” (He. 1:1-2). The Word of God… the speech of God… became flesh and dwelt among us (Jn. 1:14). Jesus Christ, God’s Word Incarnate, has come down to deliver you.
Thank God, that he has heard your cries… your cries of lament that sin clings as closely to you as your very own flesh… your cries of praise when the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been poured into your ears and the Holy Spirit has delivered you into faith… your cries of intercession for a world and its people who seem so hard of hearing and, in that lack of hearing, do not receive faith in the Christ, God, who had come down to deliver them.
And now, thank you. Yes, you in whatever role you have at ILT… student, faculty, staff, board, supporter, or just one curious and investigating. Thank you for the support you’ve provided in time, dollars, labor, and prayer. All of you, together with the Incarnate Lord, have made of ILT a place where the God-come-down is taught and preached.
Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! May the God-come-down to deliver you and bless you with the fruitfulness that His Word provides!