Earn your degree online at your own pace, with the option to continue working your full-time job and fulfilling your daily obligations. All of our classes are held in an online format. We meet in virtual classrooms via Microsoft Teams. ILT students and faculty are able to interact with one another, hold open discussions, ask questions and ultimately learn just as if they were in a normal classroom.

Bethel Bible Series

Bethel Bible Series

This program is an overview of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation allowing the Bible to reveal itself to students through pictures, biblical concepts, and the Bible’s own powerful words. This course will prepare students to be Bethel Series trained teachers who, once they have finished twenty-one weeks studying the Old Testament and twenty-one weeks studying the New Testament and having passed the exams, will be certified by Bethel Series headquarters to teach the Bethel Series in an enrolled church.

Program Overview

Zero Student Debt

Our goal is for every student to graduate with no debt. Our donor-sponsored financial assistance makes that possible.

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Total: $0.00


$400 per Course
*Tuition cost is subject to change. Additional costs may apply.

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Total: $800


A competency in biblical knowledge sufficient for successful examination and certification by the Bethel Series.

More Information Below

Total: 6 Hours

Expected Timeline

Our program is very flexible so completion time varies. On average, full-time students can finish in 4 years and part-time students can take up to 6 years.

Total: 21 Weeks

*Additional costs may apply. (Application fee, books, costs associated with researching and producing the independent projects or the final project or thesis, etc.) are also the responsibility of the participant.

Course of Study
Course RequirementsHours
BBS 101: Bethel Bible Series – Old Testament3 Hours
BBS 102: Bethel Bible Series – New Testament3 Hours

*All work must be in the student’s field of study. 

Course Descriptions

BBS 101: Bethel Bible Series – Old Testament: This course is an overview of the Bible from Genesis to Malachi allowing the Bible to reveal itself to students through pictures, biblical concepts and the Bible’s own powerful words. This course will prepare students to be Bethel Series trained teachers who, once they have finished twenty-one weeks studying the Old Testament and twenty-one weeks studying the New Testament (BBS 102) and having passed the exams, will be certified by Bethel Series headquarters to teach the Bethel Series in an enrolled church.

BBS 102: Bethel Bible Series – New Testament: This course is an overview of the Bible from Matthew to Revelation allowing the Bible to reveal itself to students through pictures, biblical concepts and the Bible’s own powerful words. This course will prepare students to be Bethel Series trained teachers who, once they have finished twenty-one weeks studying the Old Testament (BBS 101) and twenty-one weeks studying the New Testament (BBS 102) and having passed the exams, will be certified by Bethel Series headquarters to teach the Bethel Series in an enrolled church.

After completing this program, students will:

  • Have a competency in biblical knowledge sufficient for successful examination and certification by the Bethel Series.

Application requirements include:
  • Completion of the online application.
  • Non-Refundable Application Fee
  • Copy of an official photo identification.