News & Events

The Institute of Lutheran theology not only provides programs to train pastors and teachers, but it also provides educational and devotional resources for individuals and congregations. These resources are provided free of charge and made available through our web page. Please subscribe to and use any of these resources.

CALC Pastor’s Retreat and Annual General Convention

CALC Pastor’s Retreat and Annual General Convention

The pastors of the Canadian Association of Lutheran Congregations (CALC) gathered at Hastings Lake Bible Camp on April 19-21, 2023 for the annual CALC pastor’s retreat. The CALC pastors gather every year to learn together, fellowship and support each other. This year, three speakers came to present on topics related to reaching out to new people with bravery, creativity and hospitality. It was a wonderful time for the CALC pastors to gather in their united faith and purpose.

ILT has a close relationship with CALC and most of the participants at the pastor’s retreat this year were either ILT alumni or students. It was very exiting to see the work of ILT faculty preparing students to serve the church coming to fruition in the lives of the congregations in Canada.

The CALC Annual General Convention will meet this weekend (April 21-22). ILT will be present, sharing how we are growing and reporting on the work that we are doing together to train and prepare pastors. We thank God for our partnership and the work that God has given us to do together. We continue to pray that God will send pastors to serve in CALC and the message of the Gospel will continue to be shared through the work of these congregations in Canada.


Upcoming Event:

Theology in Residence Gathering

The inaugural meeting of the Christ School of Theology’s Theology in Residence Gathering will take place in the week of June 12-17, 2023, in Brookings, SD.

Christ School of Theology students are invited to join fellow theologians, scholars, and faculty as they engage in personal theological research. Participants will pursue their individual, theological research efforts while refining their research through conversations with fellow scholars and on-site faculty, combined with guided academic coaching and research support from the Christ School of Theology Dean of Library and Research.

The emphasis for this year’s gathering is Theology and Science. Students in the Ph.D. program are encouraged to join us this year to study the relationship between theology and science, and the degree to which these scholarly disciplines are potentially complementary or compatible. Student research in theology and science will serve as preparation for and a prologue to the Seminar in Theology and Science offered this summer.