You’ve got to admire this formerly blind beggar’s spunk. Here he is hauled before the religious authorities for a second time, facing their accusations, and risking the consequences…being cast out of the synagogue… and what does he do? He does the first-century equivalent of mouthing off: “Do you also want to become his disciples?” See, the Pharisees had a problem, a righteousness problem. They figured they had a corner on it and wouldn’t stand for anyone else butting into their corner. But that formerly blind beggar would not be cowed by their projected piety and, with his question, earned their revulsion. Subsequently, they cast him out. Challenging religious authorities carries risk no matter the generation. They can be vindictively protective of their projected piety. Yet, Jesus, the Word of God, comes with his true righteousness even to the religiously rejected… even to those who challenge displays of projected piety.
Prayers from one who hides his impiety behind displays of projected piety…
Heavenly Father, my true righteousness lies in Jesus Christ, grant that in him I have all the piety needed for life in this creation and the next, and that I receive him from the pulpit, the font, and the altar. For Jesus’ sake. Amen
Heavenly Father, my true righteousness lies in Jesus Christ, grant me to be secure in the righteousness of Jesus Christ and not cowed into seeking a righteousness of my own. For Jesus’ sake. Amen
Heavenly Father, my true righteousness lies in Jesus Christ, open my eyes to the blindness of the world even as you open my ears and end my own deafness so that I may hear your Word and, in turn, declare it before the world. For Jesus’ sake. Amen
Heavenly Father, my true righteousness lies in Jesus Christ, give me eyes to see the truth of my neighbors’ needs, ears to hear their laments, and hands set to work useful to them. For Jesus’ sake. Amen
Heavenly Father, my true righteousness lies in Jesus Christ, hold me in that true righteousness—the righteousness of faith in Christ—let me not look to the work of my hands to secure such righteousness. For Jesus’ sake. Amen
Heavenly Father, my true righteousness lies in Jesus Christ, grant that the Institute of Lutheran Theology receive its true righteousness from its preaching and teaching of Jesus Christ, him crucified, and him alone. For Jesus’ sake. Amen
Heavenly Father, my true righteousness lies in Jesus Christ, keep me in that righteousness all the days of my baptism so that I eagerly and hopefully await his glorious appearing. For Jesus’ sake. Amen