News & Events

The Institute of Lutheran theology not only provides programs to train pastors and teachers, but it also provides educational and devotional resources for individuals and congregations. These resources are provided free of charge and made available through our web page. Please subscribe to and use any of these resources.

An Urgent Call for Aid

An Urgent Call for Aid

Friends of ILT in the Augustana District (AD) are raising money to support a congregation in need in Ethiopia.

There is a life and death crisis that our brothers and sisters in Christ are facing at the hands of a military force that is raping and killing Christians of the Amharic area of Ethiopia. Pastors and their members are fleeing their villages, coming to the central city of that region (Dessie), seeking safety.

The North Central Ethiopian Synod has been a mission partner of the AD since 2018, when we began funding a vitally important training program of their pastors and evangelists. This effort has been funded primarily through one AD congregation, Living Word Lutheran Church in Moses Lake, WA.

AD is collecting money to help them now. If you are interested in helping please contact Lou Hesse (509-760-0274,, Paul Knudson (, or Tom Christianson ( Thank you for any help that you can give.

Gifts can be sent to the “Augustana District”, 335 Main St. South, Hutchinson, MN 55350. Please mark your gift on the memo line for: “NCES Crisis Fund.” Individuals may want to send gifts through their local congregation for forwarding to AD.