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The Institute of Lutheran theology not only provides programs to train pastors and teachers, but it also provides educational and devotional resources for individuals and congregations. These resources are provided free of charge and made available through our web page. Please subscribe to and use any of these resources.

Learning Success at ILT

Learning Success at ILT

Good Enough is never Good Enough for ILT.

Many people today think that doing good enough in higher education is good enough, but not at ILT. It is our vision that our graduates will “understand the contemporary cultural horizon and think critically in the proclamation and advancement of the Gospel.” This means that good enough just doesn’t cut it. At ILT, learning success is found in learning excellence. This is what we expect, and this is what we support at ILT.

Traditionally, library and learning support services are perceived as passive academic services. It is generally assumed that students can be pointed to the Library or Learning Center, and they will seek out and make use of those services when the student perceives that they are needed.

However, in online education, the lack of physical proximity to library and learning support services and the isolation from students and faculty outside of class, tend to result in students engaging these services at a far lower level that would be expected on a traditional, residential campus.

So, if our students can’t come to the Library and Learning Center, we at ILT have committed to bring the Library and Learning Center directly to our students. To do this, the ILT Learning Center has established the Academic Coaching Program. Through the Academic Coaching Program, the Learning Center provides proactive learning support services to each incoming student at Christ College and the Christ School of Theology.

Our Dean of Library and Research, David Patterson, is providing individualized services that are tailored to the individual student’s learning preferences, strengths, and needs. Through the Academic Coaching Program Rev. Patterson is committed to supporting the learning success of each and every student at every level of instruction at ILT.

Library & Learning Center
