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ILT Professor Presents at LHC

ILT Professor Presents at LHC

Thomas Jacobson, Assistant Professor of History at ILT, recently attended and presented at the biennial meeting of the Lutheran Historical Conference (LHC), which met from October 6-8, 2022. Held in different locations around the country, this year’s meeting was in St. Louis, Missouri at the campus of Concordia Seminary of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LCMS).

The LHC is a pan-Lutheran group of historians and archivists devoted to preserving and promoting the study of American Lutheran history. At whatever location they meet, participants also take a bus tour of significant Lutheran sites in the area. This year, they went to Perry County, Missouri, where the earliest leaders of what would become the Missouri Synod first gathered after their arrival from Germany in 1839.

Professor Jacobson’s paper was entitled “A Reexamination of the Varied Career of Claus Lauritz Clausen.” He is pictured here at the LHC banquet with his former professor, Dr. Mary Jane Haemig, and his former doctoral advisor, Dr. Mark Granquist.

More information about the Lutheran Historical Conference can be found at