Our Students Need YOUR Help
Our Students Need YOUR Help
Every year, ILT raises money to support our students. Financial concerns continue to be one of the biggest challenges which students face as they try to complete their education. The money in the financial aid fund goes directly to the students who have the greatest financial need. Money should not be the only reason why students, who have a genuine call from God to serve his church, do not study at ILT.
Currently, financial aid covers about $1,200 for each student, depending on their program. This typically covers the cost of one course for every ministry student who qualifies. We try to keep the tuition cost low and students do not take out loans for their tuition. ILT students graduate with no debt. For us to continue to do this, we need your help. If you gave $1,200, you would be supporting one student this semester. If you gave $25, your money will go directly to students to support them. Please consider giving a gift, knowing that this gift will help provide the future generation of pastors.