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Professor Jack Kilcrease at 2023 NELA Conference

Professor Jack Kilcrease at 2023 NELA Conference

Professor Jack Kilcrease at the North European Luther Academy: Exploring Scripture, Tradition and Lutheran Theology

Professor Jack Kilcrease of Christ School of Theology and Christ College will be speaking at the Old Latin School in Wittenberg, Germany between October 29th and November 1st, 2023 at the North European Luther Academy conference. He will deliver two lectures. The first will be on the topic of Scripture and Tradition, and the second will cover the doctrine of scriptural inspiration and inerrancy in historic Lutheran theology. These topics are connected with Professor Kilcrease’s earlier book, Holy Scripture (2020), published by the Luther Academy as part of the confessional Lutheran dogmatics series. Other speakers at the conference will include confessional Lutherans theologians from Scandinavia and Germany, such as Knut Alfsvag, Gottfied Martens, and Armin Wenz.

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