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The Institute of Lutheran theology not only provides programs to train pastors and teachers, but it also provides educational and devotional resources for individuals and congregations. These resources are provided free of charge and made available through our web page. Please subscribe to and use any of these resources.

The Institute of Lutheran theology not only provides programs to train pastors and teachers, but it also provides educational and devotional resources for individuals and congregations. These resources are provided free of charge and made available through our web page. Please subscribe to and use any of these resources.

Reformation Sunday A

Reformation Sunday A

In the scriptures, both the psalmist and the Apostle Paul decry the falsehoods of humanity: “All people are liars” (cf. Ps. 116:11 & Ro. 3:4).  Everybody lies, especially these Jews who had believed in Jesus.  These Jews were deep in the practice of self-deception and had been for generations.  Because of the lies they have been telling themselves about themselves, Jesus eventually names them sons of Satan, the Father of Lies (John 8:44).  In this old creation broken by sin and passing away, we cannot tell ourselves the truth about ourselves.  No, we cannot.  Instead, we have to be told the truth about ourselves and God.  The telling of such truth comes from only one source—that is, the one who claimed himself to be the truth. This exclusive truth-teller is Jesus Christ, him crucified and him alone.  When your preacher speaks for Jesus (Luke 10:16), your preacher speaks truth to you, handing the Word of God over to you in the person of Christ himself.  While you are in the flesh, you have been, are now, and will continue to be an inveterate liar.  Your preacher comes, however, to put the truth in your ears, to pour it upon your head, and to lay it upon your lips and tongue… the one and only truth… the exclusive of all others truth… that singular and unique Son of God come for you.

Prayers from liars who need the truth told to them…

Heavenly Father, your Son is the one truth-teller in a world of liars.  So put the truth that is Jesus Christ in his person to my ears that the Holy Spirit would deliver the truth to be my life and drive out the death of my lies.  Father in heaven, work your truth upon me.

Heavenly Father, your Son is the one truth-teller in a world of liars.  Break me free from my bondage to Satan, the Father of Lies, by binding me to Jesus Christ and, in this bondage to your Son, grant me enjoyment of his true freedom.  Father in heaven, work your truth upon me.

Heavenly Father, your Son is the one truth-teller in a world of liars.  As I enjoy the freedom of being bound to your Son, do not let me fall again beneath the yoke of bondage… bondage to lies.  Father in heaven, work your truth upon me.

Heavenly Father, your Son is the one truth-teller in a world of liars.  I confess that I have placed lies in my neighbors’ ears, forgive me for those falsehoods that I might start afresh.  Father in heaven, work your truth upon me.

Heavenly Father, your Son is the one truth-teller in a world of liars.  As I can be confident that you have forgiven me my lies, grant too that my neighbors forgive me as I and they suffer the consequences of my falsehoods.  Father in heaven, work your truth upon me.

Heavenly Father, your Son is the one truth-teller in a world of liars.  Keep the Institute of Lutheran Theology in the narrow way as it teaches and preaches the singular and unique truth which is your Son, Jesus Christ, him crucified and him alone, handed over to be the life of dead sinners.  Father in heaven, work your truth upon me.

Heavenly Father, your Son is the one truth-teller in a world of liars.  Hold me in such faith that I can endure the falsehoods and lies which swirl around me day after day.  Grant to me the bright lamp that is your Word and your Word alone so that I walk the way of the one truth until Jesus comes in all his glory.  Father in heaven, work your truth upon me.