The Resurrection of our Lord A
The Resurrection of our Lord A
All four gospels bear witness that women went to Jesus’ tomb early on the day of the resurrection. Matthew, Mark, and Luke speak of several women. John speaks of one woman. Matthew, Luke, and John all speak of the women going and telling. Mark, in contrast, claims the women said nothing because they were afraid. These women visited the tomb expecting to perform their customary task of attending to the dead. Instead of fulfilling that duty, the women were transformed into the first witnesses of the resurrection. Here, in Matthew, the angel transforms them from disciples of Jesus—that is followers of Jesus—into apostles of the resurrection. The “angel sends them out” to tell the other disciples that Jesus is risen from the dead. Here we are, you and I, engaging in our customary task of attending worship, yet the Word of God comes to us, interrupting our duty and transforming us into the sent-out ones… the apostles… bearing witness to the world of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Prayers from a reluctant apostle who prefers the safe confines of discipleship’s duties rather than confront the same world which executed Jesus…
Heavenly Father, you raised your Son Jesus Christ from the dead. So fill my ears with this good news that I am struck dead in my sin only to be raised to new life in Jesus Christ. Lord, make it so!
Heavenly Father, you raised your Son Jesus Christ from the dead. Since I now have new life in Jesus Christ my Lord, give me ears to hear his command, “Go!” so that I would be sent out as a witness to him unto the ends of the earth. Lord, make it so!
Heavenly Father, you raised your Son Jesus Christ from the dead. While I am going into the world bearing witness to Jesus Christ, grant me such humility in my witness that I become small and Jesus becomes all. Lord, make it so!
Heavenly Father, you raised your Son Jesus Christ from the dead. My going into the world includes attending to those tasks and duties pertaining to my callings and vocations, grant that I not neglect them as I bear witness to Christ my Lord. Lord, make it so!
Heavenly Father, you raised your Son Jesus Christ from the dead. So fill my days with the presence of neighbors so numerous that I have opportunity to bear witness to my Lord in the hearing of many ears. Lord, make it so!
Heavenly Father, you raised your Son Jesus Christ from the dead. You have called the Institute of Lutheran Theology to fulfill its duty of training a new generation of preachers and teachers who will bear witness to Jesus Christ in their own callings and vocations. Bless the Institute in these duties handed over to it. Lord, make it so!
Heavenly Father, you raised your Son Jesus Christ from the dead. As I live out the days of my baptism being gathered in as follower of Christ and then being sent out as an apostle to his name, grant me ears to both his command, “Follow me!” and his command, “Go!” Lord, make it so!