Twenty-Fifth Sunday After Trinity, November 17, 2024
Twenty-Fifth Sunday After Trinity, November 17, 2024
“But for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short” (Mt. 24:22). “Those days” of tribulation… “those days” of affliction… tribulation and affliction so great and severe as to have never been seen before and will never be seen again… “those days” will be cut short, minimized for the sake of the elect. In other words, those chosen by God to believe will not suffer as much tribulation and affliction as would have been possible for them to suffer. What a blessing for them! But… but it is also a blessing for everyone else. The days of tribulation will be cut short for everybody on account of the elect. Surely, the elect are the children of Abraham for they believe in the Lord as Abraham did and it is reckoned to them as righteousness (Ge. 15:6). These elect, the descendants of Abraham, bring the fulfillment of the covenant made by God with Abraham that all the nations of the world would be blessed through him (Ge. 18:18). In the coming of those days… those days of affliction and tribulation… those days which will be cut short on account of the descendants of Abraham… those days will see all the nations blessed because of Abraham.
Prayers from those thankful for the mercy shown upon the children of Abraham…
Father God, your mercy and steadfast love have been of old, thank you for cutting short the anticipated days of tribulation and affliction so that the coming of the Son of Man will arrive even sooner. Praise be to him! Thanks be to God.
Father God, your mercy and steadfast love have been of old, grant to us the fruits of your love and mercy that we may live these days without fear of “those days” and live these days in anticipation of the coming of the Son of Man. Praise be to him! Thanks be to God.
Father God, your mercy and steadfast love have been of old, as we live these days in anticipation and hope, grant that your Word fill our ears so that the wicked one would have no power over us. Praise be to him! Thanks be to God.
Father God, your mercy and steadfast love have been of old, in these days of anticipation and hope, turn our attention to our neighbors that we may be of use to them while we await the coming of the Son of Man. Praise be to him! Thanks be to God.
Father God, your mercy and steadfast love have been of old, as we are of use to our neighbors, grant that our families and communities grow stronger and live at peace one with another while together we anticipate the coming of the Son of Man. Praise be to him! Thanks be to God.
Father God, your mercy and steadfast love have been of old, raise up students for the Institute of Lutheran Theology so that they may be trained in the faith and sent out as preachers of the Good News of the Son of Man. Praise be to him! Thanks be to God.
Father God, your mercy and steadfast love have been of old, in these days of anticipation and hope, return us again and again to the promise of our baptism: the forgiveness of sins and our being joined to Jesus’ death and resurrection, so that we do not flounder in our faith but confidently face toward the coming of the Son of Man. Praise be to him! Thanks be to God.