Twenty-First Sunday After Trinity, October 20, 2024
Twenty-First Sunday After Trinity, October 20, 2024
“When he [the royal official] heard that Jesus had come back from Judea to Galilee, he went to him and begged him to come down and heal his son, who was about to die” (Jn. 4:47). The Greek word that is translated as “begged” is the word “erota.” John favors the word as about half of its uses in the New Testament are found in his gospel. Its core meaning is simply “to ask” but it has these overtones of imploring and begging. The overtones deliver a sense that the one asking has a lack and the one being asked holds the fulfillment of that lack. The royal official begs because he lacks healing for his son, and he has heard that Jesus works miracles. In numbering the official among those who need a sign in order to believe, Jesus gives him no sign but only a word, “Go home, your son will live.” That word fulfilled the official’s lack. It carried the certainty of a promise. God’s Word… Jesus’ Word… fulfills all that your life lacks. It lacks order (In the beginning, the Word of God brought order out of chaos.). Your life lacks freedom from guilt and is in bondage to sin, death, and the power of the devil (Your sins are forgiven for Jesus’ sake.). Your life is your mortality because you are dead in your sin (It is no longer you who live but Christ who lives in you.). Ask! Beg! Implore! Beseech your Lord to fill your lack… to fill the emptiness of your mortality with the fulness of his presence.
Prayers from those who lack a multitude of things…
Father in heaven, we are empty and poured out, we beg you to fill us with the presence of your Son, Jesus Christ, that he may be our life. Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer.
Father in heaven, we are empty and poured out, confessing that we are dead in sin and have only the hope of life as your Son, Jesus Christ comes to give it. Fill us, Father, with your Son. Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer.
Father in heaven, we are empty and poured out, grant that even empty as we are that we would be filled enough to fill our neighbor’s needs. Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer.
Father in heaven, we are empty and poured out, existing only by your providence, The Institute of Lutheran Theology awaits your pleasure in providing the support it needs. Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer.
Father in heaven, we are empty and poured out, grant that the fullness of your Son, Jesus Christ sustain us until that day when he comes in glory. Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer.